[1] 朱福敏,宋佳音,郑尊信.动态跳扩散双因子与长短期波动率:来自期权市场的证据[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2023.11录用. [2024-02-06在线发表:1-26].
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[5] 朱福敏,刘仪榕,郑尊信.连续波动的累积变化是否触发随机跳跃?来自国际股票市场的证据[J].管理科学学报, 2023,26(7):54-76.
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[12] 郑尊信,王华然,朱福敏.基于Levy-GARCH模型的上证50ETF市场跳跃行为与波动特征研究[J].中国管理科学, 2019,27(2):41-52.
[13] 郑尊信,倪英照,朱福敏,徐晓光.货币冲击、贸易融资套利与中国商品金融化[J].管理世界, 2018, 34(06):41-59.
[14] 胡根华,朱福敏.碳价格波动率模型构建与预测:基于无穷活动率Levy过程[J].数理统计与管理, 2018, 37(05): 892-903.
[15] 朱福敏,郑尊信,吴恒煜.跳跃自激发与非对称交叉回馈机制下的期权定价研究[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2018, 38(01):1-15.
[16] 朱福敏,郑尊信,吴恒煜.基于无穷跳-扩散双因子交叉回馈模型的期权定价[J].系统工程学报, 2017, 32(05):638-647.
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[18] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明,Aaron KIM.基于序贯贝叶斯参数学习的Lévy动态波动率模型研究[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2017,37(03):556-569.
[19] 吴恒煜,马俊伟,朱福敏,林漳希.基于Levy过程修正GJR-GARCH模型的权证定价——对中国大陆和香港权证的实证研究[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2014,34(12):3009-3021.
[20] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,胡根华,温金明.基于参数学习的GARCH动态无穷活动率Levy过程的欧式期权定价[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2014,34(10):2465-2482.
[21] 吴恒煜,马俊伟,朱福敏,林漳希.Lévy过程下非对称GARCH模型权证定价[J].系统工程, 2014, 32(10):38-45.
[22] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明.带杠杆效应的无穷纯跳跃Levy过程期权定价[J].管理科学学报, 2014,17(08):74-94.
[23] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明.基于ARMA-GARCH调和稳态Levy过程的期权定价[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2013,33(11):2721-2733.
[24] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,胡根华,马晶,田海山.基于自举粒子滤波的沪深300指数跳跃性形态[J].系统工程, 2013,31(09):24-32.
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[26] 吴恒煜,朱福敏,王鹏,龚金国.CGMY过程下期权定价的蒙特卡罗模拟方法[J].系统工程, 2011, 29(11):15-21.
[27] Ying Jiang; Xiaoquan Liu; Yirong Liu*; F Zhu; Bond return predictability: Macro-factors and machine learning methods, European Financial Management, 2024.3. Forthcoming,
[28] J Wen, H He, Z He, F Zhu*. A Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023,24(7):7621-7630. (1524-9050,中科院1区Top, IF 9.551, online 20220518) https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2022.3172868.
[29] F Zhu, C Zhang, Z Zheng and S A Otaibi. Click Fraud Detection of Online Advertising-LSH Based Tensor Recovery Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022, 23 (7): 9747-9754. (1524-9050,中科院1区Top, IF 9.551, online 20210901). https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2021.3107373.
[30] Li, T., Kim, Y.S., Fan, Q., F Zhu*, Aumann–Serrano index of risk in portfolio optimization. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2021, 94(2): 197-217. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00186-021-00753-x
[31] Zhu, F., Bianchi, M. L., Kim, Y. S., Fabozzi, F. J.*, & Wu, H. Learning for infinitely divisible GARCH models in option pricing, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2021, 25(3): 35-62. (1558-3708, SSCI, online 202008)
[32] F Zhu, C. Zhang, Z. Zheng and A. Farouk, Practical Network Coding Technologies and Softwarization in Wireless Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(7): 5211-5218. (2327-4662,中科院1区Top, IF 10.238)
[33] ZX Zheng, LM Wang, FM Zhu*, L Liu. Potential technologies and applications based on deep learning in the 6G networks, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 95: 107373, 2021.08 (0045-7906)
[34] F Zhu, L Wang, J Wen, Z Zheng, Spectrum Analysis of Filtering Technologies in Management Networks and Wireless Systems, IEEE Network, 2019, 33(4): 42-47. (0890-8044,中科院1区Top,, IF 7.503)
[35] J Wen, L He and F Zhu*, Swarm Robotics Control and Communications: Imminent Challenges for Next Generation Smart, IEEE communications magazine, 2018, 56(7): 102-107. (0163-6804,中科院1区Top, IF 10.356)
[36] H Yang, S Qu, F Zhu*, Z Zheng, Robust objectness tracking with weighted multiple instance learning algorithm, Neurocomputing, 2018, 288: 43-53. (0925-2312, SCI JCR Q1, IF 3.241, Elsevier).
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[38] C Tong, Y Lian, J Qi, Z Xie, A Zhang, J Feng, F Zhu*, A Novel Classification Algorithm for New and Used Banknotes, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2017, 22(3): 395–404. (1383-469X, SCI JCR Q1, IF 3.259)
[39] C Tong, J Li, F Zhu*, A convolutional neural network based method for event classification in event-driven multi-sensor network, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017, 60(1): 90-99. (0045-7906, SCI JCR Q2, IF 1.747)
[40] J Zhao, F Zhu*, A multi-depot vehicle-routing model for the explosive waste recycling, International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(2), 550–563.(0020-7543, JCR Q1, IF = 3.119)
[41] J Wen, D Li, F Zhu, Stable Recovery of Sparse Signals via $L_p$-Minimization, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2015, 38(1), 161-176. (1063-5203,中科院1区Top, IF = 2.964)
论文题目 | 作者 | 期刊名称 | 期刊页码 | |
Click Fraud Detection of Online Advertising-LSH Based Tensor Recovery Mechanism | F Zhu, C Zhang, Z Zheng and S A Otaibi. | IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems. | 2022, 23 (7): 9747-9754 |
A Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery | J. Wen, H. He, Z. He and F. Zhu*, | IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems. | 2023, 24(7): 7621-7630. |
Practical Network Coding Technologies and Softwarization in Wireless Networks | F Zhu, C. Zhang, Z. Zheng and A. Farouk, | IEEE Internet of Things Journal, | 2021, 8(7): 5211-5218. |
Bond return predictability: Macro-factors and machine learning methods | Ying Jiang; Xiaoquan Liu; Yirong Liu*; F Zhu; | European Financial Management, | 2024.3. Forthcoming |
Learning for infinitely divisible GARCH models in option pricing | F Zhu, Bianchi, M, Kim, Y., Fabozzi, F.*, & Wu, H. | Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics& Econometrics, | 2021, 25(3): 35-62. |
Aumann–Serrano index of risk in portfolio optimization | Li, T., Kim, Y.S., Fan, Q., F Zhu*, | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, | 2021, 94(2): 197-217. |
Stable Recovery of Sparse Signals via $L_p$-Minimization | J Wen, D Li, F Zhu, | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. | 2015, 38(1), 161-176. |
重大事件冲击下国际股票市场波动溢出与跳跃传导 | 朱福敏,刘仪榕,郑尊信,刘小泉 | 管理科学学报 | 2023, 录用待刊Forthcoming |
连续波动的累积变化是否触发随机跳跃?来自国际股票市场的证据 | 朱福敏,刘仪榕,郑尊信 | 管理科学学报 | 2023.26(7):54-76. |
带杠杆效应的无穷纯跳跃Levy过程期权定价 | 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明 | 管理科学学报 | 2014, 17(08):74-94. |
货币政策、商品金融化与物价波动 | 郑尊信,姜春艳,徐晓光,朱福敏 | 经济研究 | 2020,55(07):76-91. |
货币冲击、贸易融资套利与中国商品金融化 | 郑尊信,倪英照,朱福敏,徐晓光. | 管理世界 | 2018, 34(06):41-59. |
动态跳扩散双因子与长短期波动率:来自期权市场的证据 | 朱福敏,宋佳音,郑尊信. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2024.02.06, 在线发表. |
跳跃自激发与非对称交叉回馈机制下的期权定价研究 | 朱福敏,郑尊信,吴恒煜. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2018, 38(01):1-15. |
VIX期权定价—基于随机参数的仿射调和稳态模型 | 尹亚华,吴恒煜,庞若宁,朱福敏. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2020,40(10):2530-2545. |
基于序贯贝叶斯参数学习的Lévy动态波动率模型研究 | 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明,Aaron KIM. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2017,37(03):556-569. |
基于参数学习的GARCH动态无穷活动率Levy过程的欧式期权定价 | 吴恒煜,朱福敏,胡根华,温金明. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2014,34(10):2465-2482. |
基于Levy过程修正GJR-GARCH模型的权证定价—对中国大陆和香港权证的实证研究 | 吴恒煜,马俊伟,朱福敏,林漳希. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2014,34(12):3009-3021. |
基于ARMA-GARCH调和稳态Levy过程的期权定价 | 吴恒煜,朱福敏,温金明. | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2013,33(11):2721-2733. |